Poem: Tribute to Jakarta on its 494th birthday (in Bahasa Indonesia)
short story on gender issues in reproductive health

To see more of my writing you can check out the blog:
It has more personal pieces I like to share on once in a while when I get the chance. It is a tribute to my literary parents: Eka Budianta & Melani Budianta
Link to Google Scholar
Selected publications
Journalistic, such as:
When mourning breaks, Jakarta Post, November 2017
Healing a nation’s trauma without mental hospitals, Jakarta Post, December 2019
Books and monographs:
- Wiguna T, Citraningtyas T, Hadisukanto G, Ismail I, Pratiti B, Septa T, Noorhana SWR, Kaligis F, Rowawi H. (2015). Bencana dan Kesehatan Jiwa Anak dan Remaja [Disaster and Child and Adolescent Mental Health]. Media Aesculapius.
- Citraningtyas, T. (2012). “Riding the Waves”: Dealing with Disasters – A Study of Lived Experiences of the 2003 Canberra Bushfire and the 2004 Tsunami in Aceh. Thesis monograph. Canberra: ANU.
- Ministry of Health. (2006). Training Module for the Prevention and Management of Violence Against Women: Counselling for Health Professionals Jakarta: Ministry of Health.
- Women’s Health Foundation. (2005). Practical Guide to Prepare Volunteers: Information for People who will Be Working in Earthquake and Tsunami Area in Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam (NAD) and North Sumatera. Jakarta: Women’s Health Foundation.
Book chapters:
- Citraningtyas, T., MacDonald, E. & Herrman, H. (2013). A Second tsunami? The ethics of coming into communities following disaster. In Viens, AM, ed., Emergency Research Ethics. Surrey: Ashgate.
- Citraningtyas, T. (2011). The passion to teach. In Budianta, E., ed. The Passion of Dempo. Malang: Ikatan Keluarga Santo Albertus, pp.142-144.
- Citraningtyas, T. (2010). Beyond resilience in the face of disaster – transforming adversity by transforming ourselves and our systems. In Cork, S. & Reeder, L., ed. Resilience and Transformation: Preparing Australia for Uncertain Futures. Canberra: CSIRO Publications, pp.189-196.
Journal articles and abstracts:
- Citraningtyas T, Setiawan MW, Amir N, Diatri H, Wiguna T. (2017). Capacity Building for Child and Adolescent Mental Health in Disaster Areas: Learning from the Experiences of Mental Health Care Workers in Indonesia. Australasian Disaster and Trauma Studies. 21(2):57-64.
- Citraningtyas T, Qian J, Amir N. (2015). The significance of motherhood – Psychotherapy in Indonesia: Asian cultural factors cannot be ignored. Chinese Mental Health Journal. 7:487-490.
- Citraningtyas, T., MacDonald, E. & Raphael, B. (2010). Disaster experience in the context of life: Perspectives five to six years after the 2003 Canberra bushfire. Journal of Emergency Primary Health Care, 8(2).
- Citraningtyas, T., MacDonald, E. & Herrman, H. (2010). A Second tsunami? The ethics of coming into communities following disaster. Asian Bioethics Review. 2(2), 108-123.
- Citraningtyas, T., O’Kearney, R., & Raphael, B. (2007) “Kapok” and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry. Abstract book: World Psychiatric Association International Congress 2007. 41, suppl 2: 246-247.
Selected conference presentations, proceedings, posters, and published abstracts:
- Citraningtyas, T. (2017). Pilot workshop to facilitate personal development for the medical profession. 9th Asian Medical Education Association Symposium cum Frontiers in Medical and Health Sciences: Preparing Healthcare Learners for a Changing World. Hong Kong: December 14-16.
- Citraningtyas, T. (2017). Transendence as part of the being: A group program that develops interfaith spiritual psychiatry. National Conference on Religious and Spiritual Psychiatry : Sinergy & Harmony of Biopsychosociospiritualreligy aspect in Diversity – Religion, Spirituality & Medicine in Psychiatry Clinical Practice Jakarta : November 3-4. (Awarded best oral presentation – 3rd place)
- Citraningtyas, T. (2017). Dysthimia Case Study: Three Psychotherapeutic Approaches. 6th National Conference on Psychotherapy. Malang: March 16-18.
- Citraningtyas, T. (2017). Poster: Adult Development and Theory of Self-Actualization. 6th National Conference on Psychotherapy. Malang: March 16-18.
- Citraningtyas, T. (2017). Poster: Facilitating Personal Development. 6th National Conference on Psychotherapy. Malang: March 16-18.
- Citraningtyas, T. (2017). Poster: Catholic Marriage and Psychosexuality: Ideals and Human Struggles. 2nd National Conference on Psychosexual and Marital Issues. Malang: March 18-20.
- Malik, K., Diatri, , Wiwie, M., & Citraningtyas, T. (2016). Factors that Influence Access To Primary Care in People with Schizophrenia in Jakarta who Are at Risk of Cardio-metabolic Problems. The 1st Annual International Conference and Exhibition of the Indonesian Medical Education and Research Institute (IMERI). Jakarta: Nov 14-16.
- Citraningtyas, T. (2015). Unconcious Conflict in a Case of Recurrent Ischialgia. 2nd National Conference of Consultation Liaison Psychiatry. Medan: March 13-14.
- Citraningtyas, T. (2014). André Rochais’ humanistic analysis technique. 5th National Conference on Psychotherapy. Jakarta: September 14-15.
- Citraningtyas, T. (2014). André Rochais’ vs. Sigmund Freud’s theory of personality structure. 5th National Conference on Psychotherapy. Jakarta: September 14-15.
- Citraningtyas, T. (2014). From the matriarch to cross-linguistic asymmetry: Indonesian subcultures In psychotherapy. 21st International Federation of Psychotherapy World Congress of Psychotherapy. Shanghai: May 9-11.
- Citraningtyas, T. (2012). Bringing together experiences from 2003 Canberra bushfires and adults affected by the 2004 tsunami in Aceh: A grounded theory analysis. World Psychiatric Association (WPA) Regional Meeting: Mental Health and Disaster, Beyond Emergency Response. Bali: September 13-15.
- Citraningtyas, T. & Raphael, B. (2012). Promoting Mental Health in the context of Disaster. World Psychiatric Association (WPA) Regional Meeting: Mental Health and Disaster, Beyond Emergency Response. Bali: September 13-15.
- Citraningtyas, T. & Raphael, B. (2012). Children and Human Caused Disasters. World Psychiatric Association (WPA) Regional Meeting: Mental Health and Disaster, Beyond Emergency Response. Child Mental Health Symposium. Bali: September 13-15.
- Citraningtyas, T. (2011). “Riding the Waves”: A framework of experiences of dealing with disaster (The 2003 Canberra bushfire & 2004 tsunami in Aceh). Transcultural Mental Health Responses to Natural Disasters. Sydney: Transcultural Mental Health Centre. August 19.
- Citraningtyas, T. (2010). “Riding the waves”: Strength, survival and the South East Asian Tsunami. 14th Pacific Rim College of Psychiatrists Scientific Meeting. Brisbane: Pacific Rim College of Psychiatrists. October 28-30.
- Macdonald, E. & Citraningtyas, T. (2010) A multi-faceted model of disaster mental health: Case examples from the 2003 Canberra bushfire and the 2004 tsunami in Aceh. Otago International Health Research Network 3rd Annual Conference. Otago: Otago International Health Research Network (OIHRN). November 8-9.
- Citraningtyas, T., Lepani, K. & Raphael, B. (2010). Tears across cultures: Experiences from the 2003 Canberra bushfire and the 2004 tsunami in Aceh. ACSPRI Social Science Methodology Conference. Sydney: Australian Consortium for Social and Political Research Inc. December 1-3.
- Citraningtyas, T., Lepani, K. & Raphael, B. (2010). Cross-cultural research in Aceh and Canberra: Comparing apples and pears? ACSPRI Social Science Methodology Conference. Sydney: Australian Consortium for Social and Political Research Inc. December 1-3.
- Citraningtyas, T. & Raphael, B. (2010). Optimism, gratitude, and “living life”: Positive psychology in the 2003 Canberra bushfires and 2004 tsunami in Aceh. 5th European Conference on Positive Psychology. Denmark: European Network for Positive Psychology. June 23-26. (Recepient of ANU Conference Travel Award)
- Citraningtyas, T. (2010). Beyond resilience: Transforming disaster by transforming our selves and our systems. Shaping Australia’s Resilience: Policy development for uncertain futures. Canberra: Australia21. February 18-19.
- Citraningtyas, T. (2010). The experience of strength in disaster: the 2003 Canberra Bushfire and the 2004 Tsunami in Aceh. Asia Pacific Week. Canberra: The Australian National University College of Asia and the Pacific. February 8-11.
- Citraningtyas, T. & Raphael, B. (2009). Meaning-mapping: Charting the meaning and meaningfulness of life events. 1st World Congress in Positive Psychology. Philadelphia: The International Positive Psychology Association. June 18-21. (Recepient of ANU Conference Travel Award)
- Citraningtyas, T., MacDonald, E., Raphael, B., & O’Kearney, R. (2008) “Survival mode” in adults affected by the 2003 Canberra bushfire – An emerging theme. Australasian Conference for Traumatic Stress Studies. Melbourne: Australasian Society for Traumatic Stress Studies. September 11-13.
Other selected literary and journalistic achievements
- Wibisono, S., Citraningtyas, T., Gozali, C., Utami, T.A., Nava, A.J., Mahtani, V. (2020). Self-Love: Temukan Harta Karun Dalam Dirimu (Find the Treasure within You). Onbloss Creative. Jakarta.
- Citraningtyas, T. (manuscript). Voice – It begins with a voice in the head and ends with a voice from the heart (a novel on gender relations and empowerment).
- Citraningtyas, T. (2012). Bumi Sambhara – The Magic Mandala (an adventure middle-grade novel based on Borobudur, the biggest Buddhist monument in the world). Jakarta: Taman Belajar Eugenia – PT Taman Wisata Candi Borobudur, Prambanan, & Ratu Boko. (currently being filmed)
- Citraningtyas, T. (2006). Farewell (On grief, breast cancer and fatherhood). Femina. Jakarta.
- Citraningtyas, T. (2006). My Father, reincarnation of the earth (On fatherhood and the environment). In Atmowiloto, , ed. Eka Budianta, Mekar di Bumi: A Collection of Visiography. Alvabet. Jakarta.
- Citraningtyas, T. (2003). Atun and the moon (On marital rape and abortion). Femina. Jakarta.
- Citraningtyas, T. (2002). “That fun, fearless female is my mother” (On career motherhood). 1st place, Cosmopolitan Indonesia Magazine Writing Contest, Jakarta.
- Chief editor, Buletin KaSih: Kabar Silih PJPMKFKI. National Catholic Medical Students Network, 1997-1998.
- Media Team. National Conference in Pediatric Dermatology, Jakarta, 1996.